Presbytery of Lackawanna
Budget and Finance - Oversees the management of the Presbytery's funds.
Ordinarily Meets 6:30pm on 2nd Monday
Chair - Nancy Cruger, 1st term
Rev. Lory Ryan, 1st term
Bernie Starzer, 1st term
Laura Lewis Emmett, 2nd term
Jan Thyren, 2nd term
Rev. Rhonda Kruse, 2nd term
Chris Vogel, 1st term
Rev. Scott DeCaro, 1st term
Camp Lackawanna - Oversees year-round staffing at camp, the camp budget, and the future of Camp Lackawanna. For questions regarding events, summer camps, summer camp staffing, and for reservations of buildings and grounds contact the Camp Registrar, Wendy Frisby 570-550-2391.
Ordinarily meets 7:00 on 1st Tuesday
Chair - Tierney Ollendyke, 2nd term
Caitlyn Mangan, 1st term
Bruce Jordan, 1st term
Pam Kerns, 2nd term
Lee Carr, 1st term
Erin Viglione, 1st term
Lorrie Loughney, 1st term
Committee on Ministry - Functions to support congregations in calling and working with professional leadership, to act as pastor and counselor to individuals called to leadership in the church, and to facilitate the relations between congregations, teaching elders, ruling elders, Christian educators, and the presbytery toward a healthy and vital ministry.
Ordinarily meets 2:30 PM on 2nd Wednesday
Chair - Rev. Sharan Knoell – FTE – 1st term
Rev. Jeff Hopson, 1st term
Dave Oriel, 1st term
Pat Acker, 2nd term
Jean Biggar, 2nd term
Rev. Adam Demetros, 1st term
Rev. David Brague, 2nd term
Joan Green, 1st term
Rev. Rhonda Kruse, 2nd term
Rev. Scott DeCaro, 1st term
Congregational Empowerment Team (Combined Lehigh and Lackawanna) - The CET’s mission is to empower and assist congregations who wish to engage in a changing world with the work of the gospel; can be TE, RE or laity;
Ordinarily meets at 10:00 AM on 3rd Wednesday
Chair - Marge Zeigler, 2nd term
Jan Oriel, 1st term
Jan Hunt, 2nd term
Rev. Mark Juengel, 1st term
Leslie Bullock, 2nd term
Martha Cox
Rev. Ed Freeborn
Rev. Joanne Marchetto
Leadership Vision Team - Acts as the board of trustees for the Presbytery. This group oversees overall presbytery operations, including legal, financial, personnel, and polity matters. Coordinates the work of the committees and ministries of the presbytery. Reviews business that is to come before the Presbytery, makes recommendations to the Presbytery, and coordinates Presbytery assemblies. Board members are assigned tasks according to their area of expertise.
Ordinarily meets meets 5 PM on 3rd Tuesday of each month
Rev. Rhonda Kruse
Rev. Scott DeCaro, 1st term
Christopher Vogel, 1st term
Rev. Beth Utley, 2nd term
Nancy Cruger, 1st term
Tierney Ollendyke, 2nd term
Rev. Sharan Knoell , 1st term
Rev. Bill Carter (Moderator)
Joan Green (Vice-Moderator)
Wayne Wolfe, 1st term
Marge Zeigler, 2nd term
Nominating Committee - Actively seeks candidates to serve the Presbytery and all of the Teams.
Meets as needed
Rev. Bill Carter, 1st term
Wes Mullen, 1st term
Rev. Bill Samford, 1st term
Judy Smith, 1st term
Personnel Committee (Combined Lehigh and Lackawanna) - Advises Administrative Board and Leadership/Visioning Team regarding Presbytery personnel matters.
Meets as needed
Janet Ney
Kim Miner
Rev. Karen Kinney
Lynn Wallis
Nancy Vignau
Dave Oriel
Rev. Rhonda Kruse